About Shop as Client for WooCommerce

Everyone who had to enter a phone, email, or in-person order into WooCommerce knows how difficult it is to use the admin order management interface to do so. No coupons, no shipping costs calculation, no custom checkout fields, not easy!

With Shop as Client for WooCommerce you can just use the frontend, just like your customers, to fill the cart, enter coupons, calculate shipping, and all the other frontend functions, like product options for example, that are just a pain in the bum to do in the admin.

With the free version, you fill in the customer’s details and if there’s already a user with the same email address, the order is assigned to him. If no user is found, you can choose to create a new account or leave the order as a guest one.

If you also have the PRO Add-on, you can search the customer’s database on the checkout and pick the client to assign the order. All the checkout fields will be automatically filled in, and there’s no additional typing besides searching for the user or previous orders by email, address, company, or phone number.

You can then choose to either request payment details from your customer and enter them yourself or make it even more secure by selecting the “fake” payment gateway “Request payment by email”. The customer will be notified and receive a payment link to finish the order.

The order handler user, which by default can be an Administrator or Shop Manager (but you can allow other user roles via developer hooks), will be stored in order meta, so that you can create reports based on it, and is shown on each order in the admin.

One of the problems with creating the orders via the front end with your admin user instead of the customer user is that if you have role-based discounts, the ones for your role are going to apply, not the users. Recently the plugin was integrated with the famous “User Switching” plugin so that the shop admin can switch to the customer user, do the shopping, and benefit from any user role discounts, but still get to use the “Request payment by email” gateway as well as having the handler user recorded into the order meta.

This plugin is compatible with both the WooCommerce classic and block checkouts, as well as the high-performance order storage and multilingual shops with WPML.

Screenshots of Shop as Client for WooCommerce

Sadly I have no deals on offer for Shop as Client for WooCommerce, but if you’d like to get notified of vouchers/deals for this product, or any others listed in the directory, subscribe by email below. The minute I have something, I’ll be in touch!

Shop as Client for WooCommerce

From: €

Quickly create WooCommerce orders on behalf of your customers without having to use the cumbersome admin interface. Phone and email orders done easy. Create new users or assign the order to an existing client.

License Type: Premium